Testable Tailwind CSS plugins

A great thing about Tailwind CSS plugins being written in JavaScript is that they can be tested using tools like Jest.

Here's an example from https://github.com/opdavies/tailwindcss-plugin-jest-example (it may need updating to work with the latest Tailwind versions or to use the latest best practices):

function run(options = {}) {
  return postcss(
      corePlugins: false,
      plugins: [plugin(options)]
  .process('@tailwind utilities;', {
    from: undefined

  toMatchCss: cssMatcher

test('it generates the correct classes with no variants', () => {
  const output = `
    .test {
      display: block

  run().then(result => {

test('it generates the correct classes with variants', () => {
  const output = `
    .test {
      display: block
    .hover\\:test:hover {
      display: block
    .focus\\:test:focus {
      display: block

  run({ variants: ['hover', 'focus'] }).then(result => {

Within the test, Tailwind can be run using PostCSS and generates styles based on a provided configuration, which is then checked against some expected output. If the generated styles match what was expected, the tests pass and the plugin is working as expected.

- Oliver

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Picture of Oliver

I'm an Acquia-certified Drupal Triple Expert with 17 years of experience, an open-source software maintainer and Drupal core contributor, public speaker, live streamer, and host of the Beyond Blocks podcast.