Are you stuck on Drupal 7, 8 or 9?
Drupal 7 will be unsupported on the 5th of January 2025.
Drupal 8 has been unsupported since November 2021, and Drupal 9 since November 2023.
Are you stuck on any of these versions?
- Do you need to upgrade your website before it reaches its end-of-life date and is no longer supported?
- Are you worried about rebuilding your website and migrating your data to Drupal 10?
- Is all of your business logic embedded within your Drupal code, making it hard to upgrade?
- Do you rely on modules or themes that are no longer updated or don't exist for Drupal 10?
What if you had a clear path how to upgrade your website?
- What if you had a recommended approach to upgrade your website to Drupal 10?
- What if you knew about potential issues ahead of time?
- What if you had a list of modules to use in Drupal 10, alternatives for any missing modules, and what functionality would need custom code?
Drupal upgrade roadmap
An upgrade roadmap is a personalised audit of your Drupal website and includes details and actionable steps to upgrade it, including identifying potential blockers you might encounter.
How does it work?
- After receiving payment, we will arrange an initial call to discuss your project.
- You share your source code and provide access to your website.
- I'll need access to the source code for your website. Ideally, this is via GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, or whatever online version control you currently use, but I can also audit a zip file of your Git repository.
- I'll need a user account to access your website to review its configuration, such as content types, user roles, etc. You can delete this once the engagement is complete.
- Alternatively, I can use an export of the database to get a local version of your site up and running. Ideally, this would be sanitised to remove personal information such as usernames, email addresses and passwords.
- I'll send you the document once it's complete for you to review.
- We'll arrange a follow-up call to go through it in detail and for you to ask any questions.
This course is really great and I've recommended it to my coworkers here at The course was very informative. One of the biggest pain points with Drupal testing was that there was no clear and definitive guide on setting up the php unit XML file to get functional and kernel tests working right away. Your guide was fantastic and I will definitely be using it going forward in my module development for work. Well done. You've created a really excellent resource here that has the potential to bring Drupal development forward a huge leap. You’ve managed to simplify and share some often complex seeming issues. I'm liking your short emails. They're just the right length that isn't too distracting but I'm able to consume it in a single glance. I really love your daily posts. They are opinionated, and this gives room for thoughts, I appreciate this. Following your "Automated tests" emails and they are great! Such a pleasant reading. I love how you start from the very beginning and keeping things simple, step by step. Looking forward to more content! Hi Oliver, we met briefly at the Tech Connect event in London last month. Been reading through a few of your latest posts and have found the messages valuable, especially as we spent the week learning about unit, integration and e2e testing. I have signed up to your mailing list to keep the good advice flowing! These emails are superb and make for very interesting reading. Thank you! Oliver's approach to testing is a continual reminder of his commitment to delivering high-quality, bug-free, software. I had the opportunity and good fortune to work with Oliver solving two problems that I was having on a Drupal Commerce site. I got a referral to Oliver and scheduled an appointment to discuss the problems on a Zoom call. After showing him via screen share where I was stumped, he offered different approaches to what I was doing, which I was fine with as long as it worked. Once we solved the first problem, I was really elated and then focused on the second one, which was an easier fix. So in a short period of time, both problems were fixed and tested. I found Oliver was affable and easy to work with. He has a strong work ethic and a desire to solve problems for his customers and can recommend working with him. I think one of his strengths is to find alternative solutions to problems.Testimonials
Who am I?
- I'm an Acquia-certified Drupal expert with 18 years of professional development experience.
- I'm a former Drupal Association employee who was responsible for improving and maintaining
- I'm a Drupal core contributor and maintain numerous Drupal projects, including the Override Node Options module, which is used on over 38,000 websites.
- I'm a multiple-time DrupalCon speaker who regularly presents talks and workshops at conferences and meetups.
Availability is limited
There will be no further extensions of Drupal 7 support, and I have limited availability due to the time required, so buy now to secure your place.